How it Works:
The SpyFinder hidden camera detector/locator is the most reliable and easy to use technology on the market for making sure that your private actions are not being watched. Its function is based on the principle of optical augmentation. This technical jargon refers to the phenomenon where light reflected from a focused optical system, such as a video camera, is reflected along the same path as the incident light. This means that if a hidden camera is illuminated and viewed with the SpyFinder technology, then a strong reflection from the target camera will reveal its position to the user. The SpyFinder exploits this phenomenon by using a ring of ultra-bright LEDs arranged around a viewing port. When a user scans a room looking through the viewing port, a hidden camera appearing in the field of view will brightly reflect the light from the LEDs.
Maintenance: The only maintenance required of the SpyFinder is to change the batteries. The device is powered by two AAA batteries, which will provide over two hours of continuous on time. To replace the batteries, the screw should be removed from the back of the unit. The back cover can then be lifted off to expose the batteries. The old batteries should be discarded appropriately and fresh AAA batteries should be installed with the correct polarity show on the circuit board.
While the equivalent of rocket scientists thought up the SpyFinder technology, operating it is not rocket science. Simply look through the viewing port (see photo) and depress the button to activate the LEDs. Slowly scan areas where hidden cameras are suspected and look for bright reflected spots. Remember, most hidden video cameras use pinhole camera lenses, so the spot you are looking for could be small.
If you see a suspected camera, move your vantage point slightly. If the location of the reflection moves as you move, then this is not a camera. If the location of the reflection does not move, then it is highly likely that you have discovered the optics of a hidden camera.
For example, consider a wall clock that has a domed plastic cover and a pinhole camera concealed under the numeral six on the clock face. When the SpyFinder is used to scan the clock, a reflection will be noted where the camera is located beneath the six and a reflection will also be noted from the plastic cover. However if you move your vantage point just a little, you will notice that the location of the false positive reflection point from the plastic cover will move, while the reflection from the camera remains under the numeral six on the clock face.