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Ex-view B/W High Resolution Camera
Ex-view B/W High Resolution Camera
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Pro Series Bullet Camera
Small Sony Exview B/W 1/3" CCD sensor. Displaying 600 lines with a low lux rating of .003. Comes with pan/tilt bracket. Choose from 3.6, 6, 8, or 12mm lens.
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2.97mm extra wide angle lens (+$4.00)
3.6mm wide angle lens
6mm lens
8mm lens
12mm lens
Power Supply
without power supply
with 12VDC power supply (+$5.00)
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This camera fulfills the need of people who are looking for a tiny weatherproof camera that can work under extremely low light situations. To be exact the camera measures only 2.35” (L) x 0.75” (D) dimension. The camera comes with Sony’s latest Ex-view technology along with 1/3” CCD sensor. The camera promises to offer high quality images with 600 lines of resolution and LUX rating is incredibly low at .003
Image Device: Sony 1/3" CCD
600 TVL Resolution
Low Light Rating: .003 Lux
Power Requirement: 12 Volts DC (+/-) .5V
Current Usage: 100mA
Operating Temperature: 14°F - 122°F
Lens: 3.6mm - optional 2.97, 6,8,12mm
Field Of View: 90° (3.6mm lens)
Electronic Shutter - EIA//NTSC: 1/60 - 1/100.000sec
Rated For 24 Hour Continuous Use
Camera Size: 2.35" L X .75" D
Purchase Includes:
- One B/W camera with a variety of lens sizes (3.6, 6, 8, 12mm)
- 1.5 ft. Power and BNC Video Cable
- Pan and Tilt Installation Bracket
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