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Streetwise Mini SMACK 20,000,000 Black Stun Gun
Streetwise Mini SMACK 20,000,000 Black Stun Gun
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Extremely small yet powerful key chain stun gun. USB rechargeable with LED flashlight, safety switch and lifetime warranty.
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If you would like to have the protection of a powerful stun gun but in a size that will fit on your keyring then the Streetwise S.M.A.C.K is what you need. Technology has advanced to the point where this is now possible and the Mini S.M.A.C.K 20,000,000 is about the size of a small pack of gum (3.25" x .75" x .5"). Never be without the protection you may need. Just firing the stun gun into the air will stop most attackers looking for an easy target.
World’s Smallest Key chain Stun Gun with more power than many larger models available today.
Key Ring Attachable: Quick and easy access when you need it since it's right on your key chain but you can also just carry it in your pocket.
USB Rechargeable: Use the included USB charging cord with own wall block charger or car charger.
LED Flashlight: Convenient light source when needed.
Safety Switch: To prevent accidental discharge when the switch is set to light only mode stun circuit will not discharge.
Lifetime Warranty: The Mini SMACK 20,000,000 Stun Gun is made of the highest quality components and comes with a lifetime warranty.
Purchase Includes:
SMACK 20,000,000* Stun Gun- Black
Built in Key Chain
USB to Micro USB Charging Cord
*Actual Voltage output is difficult to measure and verify, but this unit compares to other brands that claim to be 20,000,000 or more volts.
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