Now you can have a vicious canine greet any individual that approaches your house when you are away, frightening prospective burglars without the expense of dog food, veterinarian expenses, and so on. A recording of a vicious German Shepard in attack mode starts to play - frightening away a prospective burglar. According to the US Department of Justice, “a dogs presence is a close substitute for human occupancy and most burglars avoid houses with dogs”.
This alarm system is really efficient for homes, workplace, manufacturing facility or any location that requires the consistent security of an attack dog. In addition to the barking dog the device can also be set to an alarm or chime mode. The chime is a great feature for store owners to let them know a customer has entered the store or at home as an automatic doorbell to alert you to visitors are approaching. Please note that it will work with virtually any sort of wall (wood, cement, brick, stucco, and so on) however will not detect through metal walls or walls with metal studs.
Purchase Includes: - Streetwise Virtual K9 - Remote Control with battery - Instruction Sheet - Dog warning sign - AC Power Adapter